One of Quin's presents from E and myself was a pair of skis. They're designed to fit over a child's snow boots, and they're quite cute. Today I was
finally able to get Quin to go skiing with me in the back yard! Of course, the snow was absolute crap to ski on (a layer of ice on top of the snow, combined with footprints from previous outdoor play), but we had a lot of fun! He did really well, and hopefully we'll get our normal March snow soon so that I can take him out on a tracked trail.
I'm supposed to do
what with these things on my feet?

Hey! This is kinda fun!

Look at me go!

Oops - how do I get up again? Oh, yeah, you come and pick me up! (His split lip is from playing at the gym yesterday and falling off the mats, not from skiing. He's fine, although it's still a bit tender.)

We watched this video about 5 times while eating our post-ski snack.
I find it amusing that your backyard has enough snow for building snowmen and testing out skis... while our backyard has budding trees and flowers.
Also, what happened after Quinkins met the tree? Did he learn to go around it? Enquiring minds want to know!!
Brilliant set of posts, Lirri! Well done.
You betcha Toki, we have flowers blooming all over the place--crocus, daffodils, pussy-willows, and some cherry.
Could Quin stand up better with some ski poles, preferably ones with no sharp points? Maybe not, he is pretty close to the ground. Can't wait for him to start racing.
I hope you two get to go out skiing together and have a ball.
Great photos, thank you.
Ok, you two, quite rubbing it in! I would currently love to see flowers blooming!
Photo #4 shows what happened when he tried to turn to go around the tree - oops! He was having problems keeping his tips from crossing (heck, I still have the problem, especially going downhill).
I have been told, by those in the know, that beginning skiers shouldn't use poles. Whenever E deigns, er, um, is willing to give me instructions, he usually has me do strange things like no poles or poles but only one ski. If it weren't for having these instructions repeated during a x-country ski class (at UAF), I would think he was doing it to torture me.
Kate would be so jealous! She wants to go skiing.Give Quin a couple years and he will be a pro! Avi
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