How did the last two years fly by so quickly??? G is now 2! And what a big girl she is: she's talking in occasional sentences, playing with Q and friends (side by side and together), and is learning to dress herself. She's even showing interest in being potty trained! Here's the birthday girl watching her new Noodlebug DVD (from Nana and Papa), holding her new baby doll and duck (from Gm'a Jeanne and Gp'a Tom), is wearing her "worm" and standing on her "rocking" monkey (from us). She's still learning how to balance on the monkey, and is therefore holding onto E's hand. Thanks for all the great presents!

Cute kid stuff:
- Yesterday G picked out a pink dress to wear. Q's said "Mama, she looks like a princess!"
- G's favorite toy to sleep with is her "bear in pajamas" (Q's name for it): it's a bear head sewn onto the middle of a pink blanket. She calls it her "bee-or."
Happy Birthday to Gretchen!! It's like she morphed from baby to toddler in days. :\
Some days it feels like it was just yesterday that she was a cuddly little baby. Now she's a full fledged toddler, complete with tantrums and screaming at her brother. Sigh. I almost miss the sleepless nights that she caused for the first year of her life. Almost.
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