Our friends from Portland, Westen, Avi, Scott, and Kate, came up for a visit. Kate, who is 4, taught Quin about wearing costumes; he hadn't been interested before this.
Quin and Gretchen snuggling.
Look at those eyes! Look at those bubbles!
We took a trip to Washington so that E could try a Wind Cheetah recumbent trike and go on a diving trip while all of us visited family. We went to the Seattle Aquarium one afternoon.
Happiness is being with grandparents! (Although it's hard to get this girl to smile on camera!)
Quin loved learning how to water the plants! One of the few times I've heard him tell others to go away - listen for the "No Grandpa do it!" at the end of the video!
Great-Grandmas are great for naps!
There are a couple of great shots of Toki, Fizzie, and Gretchen, but unless we get a lot of requests, I doubt Toki will let me put them on the blog! (Toki and Fizzie are some friends from Portland.)
We met Jennifer and Amelia at the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. It rained that morning, but cleared up by the early afternoon. Quin had a great time teaching Amelia what to do with puddles! We did discover, however, that he is afraid of walruses. I had to carry him past the walrus enclosure!
No more videos due to Blogger issues - I'll try again later!
you were at my zoo and didn't call? So disappointed.
I have been reminded of our lack of Oleg playbdates on an almost daily basis for the last several weeks. Quin even pointed out which chair Oleg sat in when you two were with us last June!
If/when we move down, we'll have to hit the zoo frequently!
Great pictures, Jessica. It looks so "hot" there, I'm envious!
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