Thursday, September 27, 2007

Toilet training conversations

J: "Quin, I'm so proud of you for wearing undies!"
Q: "Babies don't wear undies. Gunkin too little to wear undies. Quin wear undies just like Mama does!"

It's going pretty well. This is day two of wearing underwear. I think I'll be doing a LOT of laundry for a while because Quin insists on wearing 2-5 pairs of undies at any given time. The good side is that accidents don't spread as far. The bad side is that we have a limited number of undies (around 10). Just now he told me he needed to go potty, and up the stairs we went. However, he had just gone, but he's now happily sitting on the big potty ("big boys use big potties") reading a book. I'm hoping he's going to get it soon!! He has asked to wear undies to school on Monday, and I told him that he could as long as he continued to let me know when he needed to go potty. I have to remember to pack extra clothes on Monday....

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