Cookie making was more cookie dough playing. Fortunately, we made butter cookies (the recipe I grew up with) which don't have any eggs. I had high hopes that I could roll out the dough in front of each child, and the kids would use the cookie cutters and cut them out. I would then place the perfectly cut cookies onto the baking sheet, and stick them in the oven. That wasn't quite how it happened.
Look at me! This is how it should be done!
The kids creating their masterpieces. Leila preferred hearts and butterflies while Quin took after me and used the rocking horse. Quin mastered the art of eating the dough very quickly, another trait he shares with his mother. Leila and Max weren't too interested in eating the dough, but Quin asked for more cookie dough several times.
The decorating went much better, from an adult's perspective. The icing actually made it to the cookies. For the most part.
Which color should I start with?
Mom's watching, I'd better decorate a cookie.
Wow! I like what she's doing! Can I eat it also? (To be fair, Quin wasn't interested in eating the icing.)
Mom's not watching!
I have all this icing left, can I decorate one more?
Who needs cookies when you already have the icing?
I have decided to open up a cookie sweat shop here and I'd like to order that little boy.
He would make a fine cookie helper. Please send him airmail.
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