Let's see, Gretchen is crawling everywhere now, and she can really move too! She can push herself up into a seated position, and is starting to realize that there is a vertical aspect to the world. I'm not overly thrilled about it, and Quin is even less excited than I am.
Quin's enunciation has returned; when Gretchen was born he regressed with his enunciation. He did get better over the summer, but nothing compared to now! We're also making positive strides in potty training! Only parents of potty training toddlers can get excited over BMs, but my little, um, big boy made two BMs today - ON THE POTTY!! ALL BY HIMSELF!! WITHOUT ANY PROMPTING!! I'm so proud of you, Quin! E and I decided that Quin was going to be wearing undies any time we're not going to school, running errands, going down for a nap or bedtime, or going to visit. So far it's working pretty well. It helps that Leila and Avalon both are potty trained; I can use them as a good example: "don't you want to wear undies like Leila and Avalon?"
For those of you who don't know my husband, E loves to play computer games. We don't have a headset for the phone, so E improvised.
It's still hard to get Gretchen's smiles on camera, but I'm getting better!
Nana and Papa gave Quin some large, magnetic letters. He loves them! He knows how to spell "Quin" ("Q-U-I-N spells Quin!"), and this was his first attempt. I did have to encourage the letter placement a little, but only a little! He knows most of his letters, although he will occasionally get K and X mixed up. Along with spelling, I've also started working on basic math:
"How many blue trains do you see?"
"How many green trains do you see?"
"How many green and blue trains are there?"
This probably makes the teachers out there cringe, but it entertains me while we're playing trains. I should restate that. It entertains me while I watch Quin play with trains - I'm rarely allowed to do anything but watch him play, but he wants me there. It's the little things that keep him happy and me amused.
Leila came over last Wednesday, and the two kids had a great time reading together. *Sniff* My little boy is growing into a bookworm. You go, Quin! I was informed that Leila is his best friend on the way to school on Tuesday. She is a cutie!
Tonight Quin helped me make brownies. Gretchen really wanted to help too!
1 comment:
Well done, Lirri!
Excellent set of posts, I heartily approve.
Gretchen looks adorable with that tab in her mouth and I love the video of Quin "feeding" her.
I can't believe how quickly my little boy is growing up. He hardly looks like a toddler anymore. *cries*
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