My, oh my, what a wonderful day!!
Today is the last square on the potty chart! We've been talking about it, and Quin (I hope) understands that this is his last (of two) potty charts before he is potty trained! He has been going poop in the potty consistently for 4 days now (with two exceptions while asleep), and he's only had a couple of minor accidents. I'm so excited! E's so excited! Of course I have a brand new box of size 5 diapers in the garage... but since he's still wearing them at night and for naps, I guess that's a good thing.
Leila's already wearing undies full time, and was encouraging Quin to use the potty last Wednesday. Nothing like a little bit of positive peer pressure!
Congratulations! Quin probably gets a lot of reinforcement for using the potty at school too. Good job, Mom.
Good job, Dada too......
I checked with Liz, his teacher, and she asked that we wait until after winter break before allowing him to wear undies to school. I think that is more because it's the last week and she didn't want to deal with a mostly potty-trained toddler more than anything. Not that I can blame her a bit! anyone that can deal with 24 (?) toddlers, broken into two classes, deserves a Nobel Peace prize!
Whoever says reading on the potty isn't a team activity clearly doesn't deal with 3 year olds.
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